<p>Der Darm ist als Gesprächsthema salonfähig geworden: Laktoseintoleranz, Glutenunverträglichkeit und Blähungen treiben uns um. Das Thema birgt aber noch viel mehr Potenzial.</p>
Historische Wissenschaften haben eine Verantwortung und Verpflichtung zu einer aktiven Erinnerungskultur, vor allem weil Brüche und Kontinuitäten, Täter- und Opferrollen zwischen 1938 und 1945 noch nicht ausreichend erforscht sind.
Ein weiterer Beitrag der historischen Wissenschaften an der Universität Wien zur Erinnerungskultur
In Aristotle's Poetics, the well-constructed turning point, peripeteia, makes a story by unfolding its tragic - or, more broadly, literary - potential. But neither narrative nor historical turning points occur in empty spaces. Given the power of the peripety for plot-making, this volume inquires about its agency in the shaping of specific regions. Narration matters, for the constitution of events and regions alike; space matters, as a key element for the construction of plots and their dynamics. The Baltic Sea region, with its rich literary and cultural traditions and multiple overlapping layers of historical ruptures, is a particularly fruitful area for exploring transformation processes from a narratological point of view.
An investigation into how narration shapes our understanding of the Baltic Sea region
This study illuminates the shared challenges and unique responses shaped by the four country's historical, cultural, and political context. The study aims to analyse the selected issues concerning the agenda of citizenship education policy and school practices in the selected countries. The authors undertake a comprehensive review of the development of multicultural societies, and delve into an analysis, discussion, and reconstruction of the current socio-political context of citizenship education in the aforementioned countries.
Dealing with diversity through citizenship education in multicultural societies