This concise and superbly illustrated surgical manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to effectively manage acute and chronic bone and joint infections. The book opens with a discussion of the pathophysiology and classification of this challenging disease. Leading clinicians discuss diagnostic procedures, including imaging and nuclear medicine techniques, and cover different methods of antibiotic therapy. The book then guides readers through a range of techniques for the surgical treatment of osteomyelitis, plastic and reconstructive techniques for primary treatment and prevention of infections, procedures for managing infected prostheses, and arthrodeses for infected joints.
In diesem Buch kannst du dich als Innenausstatterin oder Innenausstatter versuchen! Dekoriere mit über 450 Stickern - davon 100 zum Ausmalen - Möbel, Vasen und Lampen oder richte verschiedene Räume nach deinem Geschmack ein. Dank der vielen Tipps und Anregungen werden deine ersten Design-Versuche sicher zum Erfolg!
<b>Two girls reluctantly bound by fate must weather a dangerous courtship as a prophesied war grows ever closer in Jasmine Skye's high-stakes, queernormative dark fantasy debut, Daughter of the Bone Forest.</b>