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Leichte Konzertstücke

20,10 €
Easy to intermediate repertoire for trumpet with piano accompaniment, featuring pieces typical of their era and suitable for auditions, concerts or competitions. Appealing additional material for use in trumpet lessons.The third volume in this series is of medium difficulty and intended for players with a well-developed embouchure who can play notes up to written g". Flexible articulation and legato playing with a well-developed dynamic range are required for these pieces. All the pieces are recorded on the included CD, both in full and play-along versions. In addition to the enclosed part for trumpet in Bb, a part for trumpet in C (ED 22557-01) is available for download.Besetzung:trumpet and piano
Voll motiviert!

19,10 €
Motivation ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Doch wie unterstützen wir unsere Schüler so, dass ihnen dauerhaft die Lust aufs Musizieren erhalten bleibt? Kristin Thielemann präsentiert praxiserprobte Erfolgsrezepte, die mit kreativen und leicht umsetzbaren Ideen ergänzt sind. Profitieren Sie von psychologischen Tipps zur Unterrichtsgestaltung und Grundlagen zum Storytelling ebenso wie von neuen Impulsen für Ihren Unterrichtsalltag. Werden Sie zum Motivationsguru für Ihre Schüler!
Digital jetzt!

18,00 €
Wie lassen sich digitale Elemente nutzen, um unseren Schülerinnen und Schülern einen leichteren Zugang zur Musikwelt zu bieten? Beim Experimentieren und Entdecken, Improvisieren und Komponieren können wir uns die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Welt zunutze machen, damit spannende Lernwege entstehen.
Easy Concert Pieces

20,10 €
Contains pieces at an easy level of difficulty, ranging up to written c". All the pieces are recorded on the included CD. For more information on the Easy Concert Pieces series, see page 15. Instrumentation: trumpet and piano
Klassik für Kinder

17,00 €
This edition provides young pupils with an access to classical music. Apart from pieces they may already know, incuding melodies from the Magic Flute, Beethoven's Symphony No. 6 or Vivaldi's Four Seasons, they are also introduced to other works from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods.Besetzung:trumpet (Bb) and piano
Russische romantische Trompetenwerke

22,10 €
These works of medium difficulty were written by 19th century composers who spent part of their lives in Russia, especially in St. Petersburg. They are scores that have now been published again for the first time since the end of the 19th century. The editor Kristin Thielemann has recorded the pieces together with trumpeter Reinhold Friedrich and pianist Eriko Takezawa-Friedrich as playback and full versions. Suitable for lessons, auditions and concerts.Besetzung:for 2 trumpets (cornets) in Bb and piano