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A Critical Theory of Police Power

22,90 €
The ubiquitous nature and political attraction of the concept of order has to be understood in conjunction with the idea of police. Since its first publication, this book has been one of the most powerful and wide-ranging critiques of the police power. Neocleous argues for an expanded concept of police, able to account for the range of institutions through which policing takes place. These institutions are concerned not just with the maintenance and reproduction of order, but with its very fabrication, especially the fabrication of a social order founded on wage labour. By situating the police power in relation to both capital and the state and at the heart of the politics of security, the book opens up into an understanding of the ways in which the state administers civil society and fabricates order through law and the ideology of crime. The discretionary violence of the police on the street is thereby connected to the wider administrative powers of the state, and the thud of the truncheon to the dull compulsion of economic relations.
Wie der Mensch sich selbst entdeckte

Gerd Jüttemann, Gerd Jüttemann,
+ 22 weitere
35,90 €
Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen sich grundlegender Fragen zum Sinnbegriff an. Sie untersuchen seine Bedeutungsebenen und Verwendungen und betrachten verschiedene Kategorien von Sinn, die den Aufstieg der Menschheit markieren. Dabei blicken sie aus psychologischer, geschichtswissenschaftlicher, soziologischer sowie philosophischer Perspektive auf den Begriff.
The Gospel of Mark and Genre

124,00 €
The current volume utilizes the newest insights from current research on the New Testament to cast new light on the question of the genre of Mark's Gospel. The matter is complicated by the immense historical gap between the time of the genesis of the New Testament canon and now. Here, prominent international New Testament scholars discuss how we should understand the genre(s) of Mark's Gospel, thus making an important contribution to international scholarship on the Gospel of Mark as well as the Gospel genre in general. What is the genre of the earliest gospel narrative and which sub-genres does Mark use to spread his message?