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Mythos Motivation

22,70 €
Some books set the world in motion. Reinhard K. Sprenger's classic, The Motivation Myth, is one of them. The basic premise? Everything that businesses do to motivate their employees is counterproductive! This bestseller took executive suites by storm and continues to have an impact by pointing out the disadvantages of widespread incentive systems. Sprenger's ideas have had a make-over that includes a new layout, highly topical examples [from top level management], and an exclusive preface by the management mastermind himself. Sprenger challenges current management thinking, and his theories work more effectively than ever before. Simply a must-have.
Radikal führen, m. 1 Buch, m. 1 E-Book

32,90 €
Does exerting more leadership lead to success? Only if you've read this book! Reinhard K. Sprenger, "Germany's number one management author" (Handelsblatt), knows better than anyone else what really matters in leadership. The author provides the first comprehensive description of this enormously complex subject. Contains numerous concrete suggestions pertaining to everyday leadership practice and the five core topics: organizing collaboration, settling conflicts, ensuring future viability, lowering transaction costs, and leading employees. A book for everyone who wants to learn what leadership really is and how it works.
Servant Leadership

Heinz K. Stahl, Heinz K. Stahl,
+ 33 weitere
61,70 €
Servant Leadership ist ein philosophisch fundierter Managementansatz, der Führen als helfendes und unterstützendes Vorangehen versteht, das in Zeiten hoher Unbestimmtheit drei Wirkungen im Blick hat: auf die Menschen in der Organisation, auf die Organisation als Ganzes und auf das Umfeld der Organisation. Die 3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage dieses weithin beachteten Bandes bietet eine breite Palette an Denkanstößen, Anwendungsbeispielen und Erfahrungsberichten, mit deren Hilfe wirkungsvolles Führen gelebt werden kann. Aktuellen Führungsbedingungen angepasst, empfiehlt sich diese Neuauflage als inspirierende und innovative Quelle zeitgemäßen Führungswissens.