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Harry Benson. The Beatles

50,00 €
Dieser Band versammelt das Beste aus Harry Bensons Beatles-Portfolio, von einer Kissenschlacht in Paris bis hin zur ersten US-Tournee der Band. Atmosphärische Aufnahmen in Schwarz-Weiß zeigen intime Einblicke in das Leben von George, John, Paul und Ringo, ob bei Auftritten, beim Komponieren, Entspannen oder bei der Begegnung mit euphorischen Fans.
The Silver Beatles

30,80 €
This is the extraordinary story of the Beatles before they became The Beatles - a tale of determination, passion, and the will to succeed against all odds. As we mark the 60th anniversary of their first explosive hit "Love Me Do", we celebrate not just the success they achieved, but the journey they took to get there.
Beatles Classics

25,20 €
John, Paul, George and Ringo - four names that made music history. Hits like Yesterday and Hey Jude are milestones in the world of pop. In his first personality volume in the Schott Piano Lounge series, the experienced arranger Carsten Gerlitz now presents his very personal selection of the greatest Beatles hits: many well-known songs, but some precious personal tips as well. As usual, the appeal of Gerlitz' arrangements lies in their pianistic ingenuity, their elegant bar-music attitude and the fact that they are quite easy to play. Instrumentation: piano

30,80 €
Fotos, Dokumente und Illustrationen bereichern die Inhalte der unsterblichen Songs um eine weitere Ebene - mal humorvoll, mal nachdenklich, aber immer berührend.