Das philosophische Erstlingswerk des argentinischen Philosophen Macedonio Fernández ist nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache erhältlich. Bei dem Autor handelt es sich um den wichtigsten Vorläufer von Jorge Luis Borges, der 1952 über den eben Verstorbenen sagte, dass er ihn jahrelang bis hin zum passioniert-devoten Plagiat imitiert habe. Das nun übersetzte und kommentierte Werk ist eine leidenschaftliche, träumerisch-verspielte Kritik an jeglicher Philosophie der Vernunft. Ein dekolonialer Angriff auf die großen europäischen Philosophen (von Kant bis Hobbes) voller Ironie und Parodie erwartet Sie!
Induktiver Zugang, eigenes Tun und Transfer: Ihre Garantie für einen lebendigen Chemieunterricht zu den Themen Kohlenstoffkreislauf, Eigenschaften von sauren Lösungen und ph-Wert!
Discover the power of the book through fifty of the most influential texts ever written - from around the world and throughout time. Books that truly did have a significant impact on world history.
Discover the power of the book through fifty of the most influential texts ever written - from around the world and throughout time. Books that truly did have a significant impact on world history.
<p>This book is a unique publication that provides a global overview of international tax disputes in respect of double tax conventions and thereby fills a gap in the area of tax treaty case law. It covers the 37 most important tax treaty cases that were decided around the world in 2021.</p>
- First publication by the artist- Conceptual conjunction between text and art- Large-scale works in public space
- First publication by the artist- Conceptual conjunction between text and art- Large-scale works in public space
Near the Hungarian village of Szólád, a small burial ground of the Longobard period was investigated archaeologically and scientifically. This first volume of the evaluation of the evidence is devoted to the study of soils and plants, of the remains of birds and fish, and of course of the people buried here. We learn not only how the graves were laid out and the dead buried, but also how a small farming community at the transition from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages shaped the landscape at Lake Balaton and used the local resources. <br>
Looking at defining moments in the iconic Winston Churchill's life and revealing his key principles, philosophies and decisions, this book will teach you how to think just like Churchill.
Be inspired to follow in the footsteps of one of the giants of the twentieth century, as you learn How to Think Like Churchill.
Camenischs Arbeiten reihen sich in die Tradition der analogen, schwarzweissen Reportage- und Porträtfotografie. Das neue Buch von ihm beinhaltet erstmals digitale Farbfotografien. Diese entstanden als Reaktion aufeine Krebsdiagnose, die er im Sommer 2019 erhielt.